business 2, week 1: the three areas of business

In this essay I will talk about the three areas of a business. The first area of the three areas of business is Sales and Marketing. Sales and Marketing Is when the people working there try to make you buy their product that they are selling. Take Chick-fil-a for an example they have television ad’s, they have coupons that they mail to people, they have billboards that they put up on the side of roads and highways and they are on different apps like Facebook and You tube. And Chick-fil-a isn’t the only business that does that, every business have different ways of getting people to buy their products.

The second area of business is Operations. Operations is how the thing that the company sells is made and who works there. Like at Chick-fil-a there are four different jobs which are Team Member, Cashier, Hostesses, and Manager. Team Members are the people that help around the place like taking out trash, sweeping and wiping off counters. Cashier are the people that take your order and handle the money. The Hostesses serve people food. The Manager is the person who is in charge and makes sure every thing is running smoothly.

The third area of business is Finances and Administrations. Finances and Administrations is how the company handles their money, like what to buy, how to pay their coworkers and how to expand. And those are the three areas of business.