What would I have to give up in order to save 10% of my income? Right now I currently have a income of $20 a week, from my lawn care business, but let’s say that I have an income of $100 a week. That means that I get $400 a month. 10% of $400 is $40. lets say that every day after I come home from school I get a strawberry limeade from sonic that is $2, that means that I spend $10 a week, which means that I spend $40 a month, so if I get a drink every day for the entire year then I spend $480 every year. $2 dollars a day doesn’t seem like much at first but it actually is a lot. If I decided to stop getting a drink at sonic every day then I could save $480 every year. There are other things that I could also give up to save more money on, like if I decided to share my toiletries with somebody else or if I watch less TV or if I decided to shower with less water. These ideas could help me save on money. If I use things less like TV and toiletries and water than I could save money and eventually save enough money for college.